Advisory Commission on Aging


The Alameda County Advisory Commission on Aging (ACA) advises and provides information to the Board of Supervisors and the Area Agency on Aging (AAA). The commission is made up of representatives concerned about the needs and interests of elders in Alameda County. The commission works in concert with the staff of the AAA to develop, plan, and administer, programs designed to assist elders and their caregivers in the county. 

The ACA reviews requests for funding from local community-based organizations and provides recommendations for funding to the Board of Supervisors. The commission also reviews and recommends the AAA's countywide area plan and year-end reports. Each commissioner serves on one of the following committees: Health & Safety, Public Relations, Legislative Advocacy, or Effectiveness.

The commission includes 21 members, who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors or Alameda County Mayor's Conference. Members may serve a maximum of two, four-year terms. For more information about Alameda County Boards and Commissions and for Advisory Commission on Aging membership information, Click Here

To learn more information about meetings, agenda items, etc., please contact Jennifer Stephens-Pierre, Director, Area Agency on Aging, 510-577-1966 or

ACA Commission Meetings

General Session Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. (meeting schedule is subject to change).
 *Summer and Winter Recess: ACA will not meet in the June and December months.

Public participation is welcome in-person and online: The ACA welcomes you to its meetings and your interest is appreciated. 

  • In-person: Meetings are held at Eastmont Town Center, 6955 Foothill Boulevard, Suite 143 (First Floor), Oakland 94605 – Maxwell Park Room (directions to meeting room)
  • Online – Zoom Link:

  • *Dial-in Option: 1-669-900-6833; Meeting ID: 899 2454 4024; Passcode: 839169
    If participating by phone: Dial *9 to raise/lower your hand to speak. When called upon to speak (last 4 digits of phone#), the host will unmute you to enable you to speak. Before addressing the Commission, please state your name for the record. 

Public comment is permitted. For items not on the agenda, please wait until the Chair calls for COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC or ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes or spokesperson (group) may speak for five (5) minutes. We request that individuals raise their hand, and wait to be called upon to speak. NOTE: Only matters within the ACA's jurisdiction may be addressed. 

Recurring event

Advisory Commission on Aging

Second Monday of each month - 9:15 am - 11:45 am

In-Person and Online

Dept. of Adult & Aging Services Lobby - 6955 Foothill Blvd, Ste 143 (Maxwell Park Room), Oakland, CA 94605

Advisory Commission on Aging

Public participation is welcome in-person and online.

Alameda County Social Services Agency - Dept. Adult & Aging Services Lobby
Eastmont Town Center
Maxwell Park Room (directions to conf. room)
6955 Foothill Blvd., Ste. 143 (1st Floor)
Oakland, CA 94605


Dial-in Option:
1-669-900-6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 899 2454 4024 
Passcode: 839169

Visit the Advisory Commission on Aging page for meeting agendas and commission information.