Welfare Fraud

Reporting individuals who aren't entitled to receive public aid

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The Welfare Fraud Program

Making sure the people who really need help get the help they need.

The Welfare Fraud Program is a team effort involving the Alameda County's Social Service Agency Program Integrity Division and the Alameda County District Attorney's Special Investigations Unit (DA/SIU) — sworn California peace officers, eligibility specialists, prosecutors, and administrative staff mobilized to make sure that eligible county families entitled to public assistance are able to get the assistance they need.

The Welfare Fraud Investigators and Inspectors also ensure those who are not eligible for public assistance are denied access to funds.

Every year, thousands of children, women, and men in Alameda County receive aid through General Assistance, and In-Home Support Services. That aid represents millions in public funds for our neighbors who need help now — families and individuals who must meet strict eligibility criteria to receive public assistance for the necessities of life.

By preventing, detecting, deterring, and prosecuting fraud for those who obtain public aid they are not entitled to, the Welfare Fraud Program protects the interests of those in genuine need and conserves taxpayer resources.



When an employee of the Welfare Fraud Prevention Division performs his or her duties in such a way that you believe should be brought to the Division's attention, please notify us. Call or write a letter about the commendation or about a concern when you believe that an employee has stepped outside the boundaries in the performance of their job. When a citizen's complaint is filed, a formal investigation will take place to determine if the actions in question are consistent with departmental policy and procedure. The complainant will be notified of the outcome of the investigation.