Housing Support

Placement options for youth

Housing Support

In addition to living with a resource family, there are other placement options for youth depending on your age. The housing is in a variety of settings including residing with a roommate in an apartment, house or condo with or without an adult on site. Or living independently in a college dorm. The Independent Living Skills Program has a series of housing programs that can help in the shift from foster care to living on your own.

Whether you are eligible for a specific housing program may depend on your age, and whether you are currently or formerly in foster care.

Housing for 16 and 17 Year Olds with Open Foster Care Cases

If you are a foster youth between the ages of 16 and 17 and on track to graduate from high school or have already completed high school, you can learn what it’s like to live in your own apartment or house before becoming an adult. The ILP Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) provides you an opportunity to live on your own while getting support from your social worker and THPP staff.

You will learn life skills to help you live on your own when it’s time to leave foster care, and you will receive a monthly allowance to pay for food, clothing, cleaning supplies, recreational activities, personal care and other miscellaneous items.

For more information contact your worker. 

Housing for 18-21 Year Olds with Open Foster Care Cases

Transitional Housing Placement Program – Non-Minor Dependents (THPP-NMD)

If you’ve decided to stay in foster care after your 18th birthday under AB12, but are not sure where you want to live, you can live in an apartment or house in the community while getting support from your social worker and THP-NMD staff. You will learn the skills to live on your own when it is time to exit care.

THP-NMD offers high-level independent living classes to provide you with the training and skills necessary for exiting care and living independently, or for remaining in care and transitioning to a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP). It also helps you exit care with the skills and financial means to move toward independence.

For additional information, including if you are from a county other than Alameda and want to be placed in THP-NMD, or if you are from Alameda and want to be placed in THP-NMD in a different county, please contact THP-NMD staff If you are a probation youth, please email probation staff.

Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP)

A Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) is a flexible, non-licensed foster care placement available to non-minor dependents (NMDs) participating in the Extended Foster Care Program. It is intended to provide NMDs the opportunity for highly independent living experiences while they receive foster care payments and Supportive Transition services. SILP placements are for NMDs who are developmentally ready to live independently and in a less restrictive environment.

Talk to your CSW or your ILP Transition Coordinator to find out more about the Supervised Independent Living program and whether it is right for you.

Housing for 18-24 Year Olds at Risk of Homelessness

The Alameda County Transitional Housing Program provides youth with an opportunity to live in an apartment in the community of their choice while getting support from a team of individuals who will help with independent living skills.

In this program, transitional youth learn the skills to become self-sufficient by the completion of the program. Youth will be provided employment and education support, budget planning, meal planning and basic living skills. Your DCFS and/or probation case must be closed prior to entering this housing program.

Referral Form for Next Steps Collaborative Providers

The following agencies are members of the Next Steps Collaborative:

  • Abode Services
  • Bay Area Youth Center
  • Beyond Emancipation
  • First Place for Youth
  • Fred Finch Youth Center - Rising Oaks

Use this referral form for THP+FC or THP+ housing with the above agencies. Instructions are included in the document.