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¿Qué es Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal es el programa Medicaid de California.  

Este es un programa de cobertura de atención médica pública para familias e individuos de bajos ingresos que viven en California, incluidas familias con niños, personas mayores, personas con discapacidades, jóvenes en hogares de crianza, mujeres embarazadas y personas de bajos ingresos con enfermedades específicas como tuberculosis, cáncer de mama o VIH/SIDA.

Recursos de Medi-Cal

  • Visite BenefitsCal si necesita crear o acceder a su cuenta en línea.
  • Puede encontrar información sobre la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio y Preguntas y Respuestas sobre Medi-Cal aquí .
  • Si necesita más información sobre para qué podría ser elegible, vaya a Elegibilidad de Medi-Cal y Covered California .

Medi-Cal Asset Limit Elimination - Effective January 1, 2024

Starting January 1, 2024, assets will no longer be counted in the Medi-Cal program for Alameda County residents who are aged, blind, and/or disabled. Assets such as bank accounts, houses, and vehicles will no longer need to be reported on Medi-Cal application and renewal forms. Proof of assets will not need to be submitted and will no longer be requested.

Before January 1, 2024, assets are still counted for individuals who apply for Medi-Cal. Current asset limits are $130,000 for one person and $65,000 for each additional household member, up to 10 people. Click here for more information about the asset limit elimination for Medi-Cal.

Click here to learn more about Medi-Cal eligibility criteria.

Full Scope Medi-Cal Regardless of Immigration Status

Starting January 1, 2024, Alameda County residents 26-49 years of age can receive if they meet all other Medi-Cal eligibility criteria. This is the last remaining age group to be added to the Medi-Cal eligibility following the Young Adult Expansion in January 2020 for individuals up to age 26 and the Older Adult Expansion in May 2022 for individuals aged 50 or older, which means that of all ages will now be potentially eligible for full scope Medi-Cal regardless of immigration status, if they meet all other Medi-Cal eligibility criteria. This change will take effect throughout the state of California.

Full scope Medi-Cal provides medical, dental, mental health, family planning, vision care and also covers other services such as treatment for substance abuse, prescriptions, transportation for doctor and dental visits and to get your medicine, and more.

Individuals and families  who are currently enrolled in restricted scope Medi-Cal will automatically be enrolled in full scope Medi-Cal and will receive notifying them of this change and if they will need to enroll in a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan.


Receipt of Medi-Cal is Not Considered a Public Charge  

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services do NOT consider receiving health, food, and housing benefits as part of the public charge determination.


For more information, visit to view the Adult Expansion flyer.

To learn more about Medi-Cal eligibility criteria, click here