CalFresh Employment & Training
Job training, job placement, and educational opportunities for CalFresh recipients
How to Participate
- Visit an SSA office location and meet with an Employment Counselor (EC) to learn more about the program and to enroll in the program;
- Tell an eligibility worker or Social Worker that you would like to enroll in CalFresh E&T; or
- Call the Customer Service Call Center at (510) 263-2420 or 1-888-999-4772 to speak with someone who can help you enroll.
Why Participate?
- Increase your income and ability to provide for yourself and your family by getting a good job and advancing your career.
- Get help with your job search and career counseling.
- Get valuable work experience to build your resume.
- Participate in a training program to learn new skills and get connected to future employers.
- Get connected to classes you can take to meet your career and academic goals
Services Offered
Program activities are offered by Alameda County Social Services Agency or community partners.
Participants will work with their Employment Counselor to get connected to any of the following services offered:
Supportive Services
Participants in the CalFresh Employment & Training program can get paid for job, training or education expenses that are necessary for their participation in the program. Some of these supportive services are:
- transportation
- work clothing and uniforms
- necessary tools or equipment
- tuition for approved education programs
- books and training manuals
- union dues
- test fees
- licensing and bonding fees
- basic dental or vision correction expenses
- housing Assistance
- minor car repairs
Participants who gain employment can continue to receive these supportive services for up to 90 days after their first date of hire, even if they are no longer receiving CalFresh benefits.
What is the CalFresh Employment & Training Program?
CalFresh Employment & Training (CF E&T) program provides participants with a variety of job training, job placement and education programs that are provided by Alameda County Social Services Agency or community partners.
Any CalFresh recipient who is not also receiving CalWORKs, may volunteer to participate in CalFresh Employment & Training to improve their job and career opportunities.
Alameda County is currently under an ABAWD waiver, however, during periods when the ABAWD waiver is not in effect, participation in this program enables CalFresh recipients who are ABAWDs (Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents) to meet their CalFresh work requirement in order to keep their CalFresh benefits beyond 3 months.