Refugee Cash Assistance
Financial Assistance for newly-arrived refugees without dependent children
RCA is limited to 12 months of assistance from the following dates:
- Refugees - from the date of entry into the United States
- Asylees - from the date asylum is granted
- Victims of a severe form of trafficking - from the date they are certified by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Eligible family members of certified trafficking victims are eligible for RCA from the date of entry into the U.S. or the date of the Derivative T Visa is issued if already present in the U.S.
- Individuals applying for status as a victim of severe form of trafficking or other serious crimes - from the date of application to USCIS
- Iraqi and Afghan SIV individuals- from the date of entry with an SIV status or the date of adjustment to SIV status
RCA applicants and recipients must meet all conditions of eligibility, including:
- Have a qualifying refugee status (see RCA Overview)
- Be under the income and resource limits
- Not a full-time student at an institution of higher education
- Participate in employment and training services
How to Apply
Apply at BenefitsCal.
In Person
Visit us at an Alameda County Social Services Agency office.
By Phone
If you need an application to be mailed to you or need more information, call us at (510) 272-3663
By Mail
You can mail your application to:
P.O. Box 12941,
Oakland, CA 94604.
Click here for a blank application
By Fax
You can fax your application to (510) 670-5095.
Language Interpretation: SSA has free language interpretation services available. When you contact us, please let us know your language preference.
What Happens Next?
After you apply, you will be contacted by an eligibility worker to be interviewed.
During this stage, you may be asked to provide:
- Photo identification
- Proof of income and resources
- Documentation of legal immigration status
- Work or school status
- Name and contact number of responsible Voluntary Agencies (VOLAG), if applicable
Please note that the processing of an RCA application may take up to 30 days..
Keeping Your Benefits
To continue receiving RCA, you must participate in your employment and training program, unless you are exempt.
Your rights and responsibilities as an RCA recipient are provided on the Form RS 36.
What is the Refugee Cash Assistance Program?
The Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program provides up to twelve (12) months of cash assistance for refugees who are either single adults or couples without dependent children. Eligible individuals may receive RCA, Medi-Cal and CalFresh during the first 12 months in the United States. RCA recipients are also enrolled in an employment and training program to help them find employment, and are provided with additional refugee supportive services.
Participants are required to participate in employment services as a condition of RCA eligibility.
Who is Considered a Refugee?
The following U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) classifications are all considered refugees for the purpose of RCA:
- Refugees
- Asylees
- Cuban and Haitian Entrants
- Amerasians from Vietnam
- Certified Human Trafficking Victims
- Victims of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Other Serious Crimes
- Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa holders