Office of Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Mgmt.

Supports the Agency and community in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters or emergencies.

Winter Shelters and Services

  • Click here for a list of county-wide winter shelters and services operated in Alameda County; or
  • Call 2-1-1, the Bay Area Helpline at 1-800-273-6222, or text your zip code to 898211

Who We Are

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (DPEM) ensures the Agency is prepared for significant disasters and emergencies occurring in Alameda County. DPEM maintains readiness to support disaster response, recovery, and mitigation.

DPEM is committed to prepare the Agency to respond to the needs of County residents and ensure the road to recovery during disasters and navigate with compassion, care, and the utmost attentiveness. 

Our Mission

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (DPEM) aspires to build a culture of preparedness and empower our Agency to respond to the needs of the community through the coordination of local, state, and federal partnerships and resources. 

Our Vision

To build a resilient community in times of emergencies and disasters through a whole community approach. 

Emergency Care and Shelter

DPEM is the lead for the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services (OES), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Care and Shelter Branch. The Assistant Agency Director for the Department of Government and Community Relations serves as the Care and Shelter Branch Chief. Link to the Mass Care & Shelter Plan, annex to the Alameda County Emergency Operations Plan.

During a declared emergency, the Care & Shelter Branch is responsible for:  Emergency Shelter, Emergency Food, and Emergency Child Care.

Disaster Service Workers (DSWs)

All County employees are designated as Disaster Service Workers (DSWs). DSWs assist in protecting public health and safety and preserving lives and property during disasters and emergencies.

DPEM ensures Agency staff are aware of their role and able to complete trainings that may increase their readiness to respond as such.  

Building Community

DPEM builds community resilience through hands-on training and exercises. Check out the 2024 Golden Eagle Training Exercise photos, link below, to see how we're empowering SSA Staff for a safer future!

Stay Informed