Emergency Shelters & Hotel Vouchers

Get temporary housing assistance if you are homeless

Emergency Shelters

If you are in need of immediate emergency shelter and housing assistance, you can:

  • Speak with a Social Worker at an SSA office to get connected to a shelter or hotel voucher
  • Call or visit a Housing Resource Center listed on this flyer to get help getting into a shelter
  • Click here for a list of county-wide winter shelters and services operated in Alameda County; or
  • Call 211 or the Bay Area Helpline at 1-800-273-6222, or text your zip code to 898211

Some clients may also be eligible for emergency hotel vouchers in certain circumstances.

You may be considered homeless if you are:

  • Sleeping outdoors;
  • Staying in your car;
  • Living somewhere not meant for people to live;
  • Leaving an institution where you were for less than 90 days and you were homeless before entering the institution; or
  • Fleeing domestic violence (DV), sexual assault or human trafficking.

If you are experiencing domestic violence and need immediate shelter, visit this webpage for hotline numbers to call and for information on other available resources.

For more information on emergency housing, please call 211 Alameda County.